Wheely Tots





Healthy, Confident, Resilient Communities

Hi, I’m David

Thank you for coming to our fundraising page.

I feel really proud to be CEO at Wheely Tots. Running a charity is tough but hugely rewarding. Seeing donations on this page inspires us all to do what we do knowing we have supporters rooting for us.

Wheely Tots is all about creating opportunities for positive micro interactions, improving social integration and community development.

When you support us we want you to feel happy, excited & exhilarated knowing that we’re working really hard at creating those same feelings for all who attend our sessions.

Wheely Tots believe that all children, families and communities can be healthy, confident and resilient.

Your donations help facilitate community development through cycling & walking activities now and into the future.

Since 2015, we’ve delivered over 2,000 hours of balance bike sessions and reached over 1,000 families. We’ve engaged with 96 young people over the first year of our youth-led initiative, Your Bike Project. We’ve created 5 part-time jobs and trained 5 local people as cycling instructors.

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Balance Bike - $75.00

A balance bike for our Kit Library. Support a toddler to have their first experience of cycling.

Walking or Cycling Session - $100.00

2 hour walking/cycling session for an adult or family: improves confidence, creates a positive micro community interaction.

Family Session & Balance Bike - $100.00

A balance bike & 20 minute session for a local vulnerable family to improve their health & wellbeing and sense of family connectedness.

Adult bike - $200.00

A bike for an adult or young person to borrow from our Kit Library.

Tools for a trainee bike mechanic - $100.00

Tools for a young person training as a bike mechanic to support them to gain experience.

Family Cycling Session - $50.00

Support a family to gain confidence cycling together and explore the local area by bike.
