

raised of $4,200 target from 19 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Ashlesha's story... Three years ago a friend and I decided that we would walk the Camino…the pilgrimage, or St James’ way (www.santiago-compostela.net) in Spain, and to be honest I don’t think I realised what I was getting myself into. The three years away perspective took the edge off walking 23kms per day (nearly 800km in total) and made it look really exciting! Fast forward to two months before the walk…it clearly looks like nothing someone with my love for a horizontal life should do. My idea of a holiday is lying under an umbrella on a beach in Goa. Friends and family have been surprised to say the least with my decision to take up this challenge. Some have wisely tried to make me see light. However the plan is on! (…assuming that visas are approved and the ducks are in a row). We start walking on the 1st of October and have been told to give ourselves 5 weeks. Walking 23-25kms a day requires some sort of preparation; you don’t really want your body to go into shock some 8000kms away from home. So I have started training for the Camino, and I use the term ‘training’ very loosely. Cycling has replaced perfectly comfortable mornings tucked in bed and treks up the MANY forts around Pune have replaced horizontal Sundays. I want to say it has been a wonderful way to spend my Sundays, although my muscles tend to disagree on most days. Power on, I have completed 4 mini treks/walks in 4 weeks, and I have to say I am slightly impressed by myself. You might be wondering why I have chosen to take on this challenge. There are many reasons but for one I hope with support from kind and generous friends and family to raise £4,200 for Deep Griha Society. Deep Griha Society is a grassroots organisation in Pune, India which supports and improves the lives of those living in slums in Pune through a range of family welfare programmes encompassing education, women’s empowerment, health, awareness building and self-help projects. These funds will be used at Vidyanagari which is an English language school on the outskirts of Pune which brings high quality education to children from rural communities. The school provides great teaching resources where children can learn through play, take part in horticultural projects and explore the world around them. If you would like to support Ashlesha on her way to completing the Camino and Deep Griha Sociey, you can donate above. Thank you!


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Friends of Deep Griha (UK) creates awareness in the UK of Deep Griha Society in Pune, India and raises funds to support the work of Deep ...
