

raised of $170 target from 3 people

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SR Marlin is raising $170 for Target Ovarian Cancer
I will be trekking the Great China Wall for 5 days with the great girls from Target Ovarian Cancer to raise awareness and funds to help more women survive Ovarian Cancer. I expect my glutes will screaming at me before we're half way there! The trek will finish on World Ovarian Cancer Day, when ovarian cancer charities everywhere will be joining forces to raise awareness. We'll be supporting women with ovarian cancer as part of a truly global movement. At the moment the UK has the lowest ovarian cancer survival rates in Europe (only 2,700 out of 7,000 women survived last year) often because of late diagnose since few people (and GPs often assume another diagnosis) know the symptoms. Target Ovarian has 3 important goals: - Improving early diagnosis, both with women and GPs across the UK - Finding new treatments, through directly funding a UK-wide research programme - Providing support for women, via events, publications and information. For more information about the symptoms of ovarian cancer please click [here] (http://www.targetovariancancer.org.uk/about-ovarian-cancer)


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Target Ovarian Cancer is dedicated to achieving a long and good life for every woman with ovarian cancer.
