Al Hikma Aid


raised from 59


Salaams All I will be flying out at the very beginning of Ramadan to Uganda to deliver food packs and distribute zakah to a forgotten community in destitute poverty. Unfortunately not all those who in dire need make the limelight. As such many communities perish with the media blackout on their destitute reality. Not only are these people poor but they have been recently affected by a drought leaving them with no food. Inshallah this Ramadan I will aim to reach the unreached and help our forgotten ummah in Uganda. The Ramadan food packs will inshallah last the entire Ramadan and will sustain large families. For the first time I will be overseeing an unprecedented initiative of a 100% TRANSPARENCY POLICY & feedback to our donors on all Humanitarian Aid. This means that not only will each donor that gives me their contact details get personalised feedback on the donation (photos / videos) but will also be given a full detailed itemised breakdown of each item and how the money is exactly spent. For further information on the 100% TRANSPARENCY POLICY and how your donation will be broken down please visit my FB page or email me for further information. Furthermore I will be helping revive the traditional method of giving zakah which would be transfer or financial ownership from the giver to the recipient i.e. cash donations empowering the individuals in need to decide how best to manage, spend and untimely escape long term poverty. Please note that this money should be given to me in hand; if you need me to pick it up I will happily arrange this. Please note no deductions from your donations will be made to cover my flights, food or marketing for this project. Each food pack will contain wheat flour, beans, sugar, Rice, Cooking Oil, Salt and Dates and costs just £38 to feed a family for the whole of Ramadan. You can donate online via or I can collect the cash off you personally. I pray you can help support this important cause. For more information on this project and the full breakdown please email me or call on 07746208486

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