Transition Telford formed in June 2012 and we currently focus on Sustainable Food Production, Sustainable Transport,EV charging points and cycling as sustainable transport.
We are also supporting the relaunch of a Repair Cafe. Past projects have included the reuse of textiles and sustainable energy.
Our most successful project is GrowLocal – an annual gardening event which for the past 5 years has brought together local enthusiasts – both individuals and organisations to share skills and information to help people grow their own food. & practice sustainable methods of cultivation. We also have a giant plant sale. In February 2018 we had our first seed swap.
We have a Permaculture Group and a small permaculture garden at the Green wood Centre in the historic Ironbridge Gorge which we hope will form the basis of a free food trail in the area.
Our second Sustainable Food Production project was the formation of a community garden in Leegomery at the end of 2019. We now have 3 Sustainable Food related events, ending the year with a Harvest Local event to promote the charity and share excess produce. For this event we would usually invite various groups and organisations to join us. In 2020 we have been able to support numerous individuals and local groups in supplying them with seeds for various growing projects. In 2020 we were able to obtain grants to support our projects, and continue to use Givey to receive online donations.
Transition Telfords current energy project focusses on electric vehicle charging points, but in the past we have helped a local community obtain a grant to improve the insulation of their building and put solar panels on their roof. During 2014/15 we secured a grant from the Rural Energy Fund for a feasibility study for a small hydro-electricity scheme in Coalbrookdale but this proved not to be feasible for now but we gained new knowledge and skills – particularly about the tendering process.
The Group meets on the first Monday of each month currently on Zoom, at 7.00 pm for business and at 8.00 for a more social gathering. Newcomers are always welcome Since March 2020 all our meetings have moved to Zoom online. In the future we hope to return to face to face meetings in a fully accessible venue.
From the plant stand in Ketley bank garden
For doorstep plant table in Ketley Bank - parsl...
For doorstep plant table in Ketley bank - choco...
For doorstep plant table in Ketley Bank