Tlc - St Luke's


raised from 14


engagement, connection, creativity and sharing

Our charity works with those experiencing a mental health diagnosis or problems. We believe that reducing isolation is key – How? through engagement, connection, creativity and sharing – one participant nick-named it his Creation Lounge!

TLC-St Luke's is a well established charity that works with adult citizens in #Manchester who experience mental health problems, including those living with an enduring psychiatric diagnosis and people who self identify as being isolated, or otherwise struggling emotionally with life.

You can help us to sustain this valuable work into the future by making a regular or one off donation here through Givey - Give will charge you 5% , which means this platform costs we the charity nothing and all your donation comes to us. You can also opt to make a recurring donation, by creating your own account - simply log in with a password, the when you go to donate tick the relevant box

Despite their problems people have skills, interests and want to get involved. We in the Longsight / Ardwick area of Manchester where the work began over 30 years ago at St Luke's Neighbourhood Centre.. People coming to our projects are supported through effective engagement, connection with others creativity, and sharing with others Services include a busy community arts studio project run by professional artists - TLC- Art and Drop In Project also host a friendly affordable drop in cafe where people volunteer and learn cooking and baking; trips to cultural and green spaces of the city, #exercise and #complementary therapies. Together, people taking part have created their own vital community resource. The work of the project is partly funded through Our Manchester Voluntary and Community Sector grants (MCC); small amounts of income generation and a variety small grants, plus support in kind from many partners and a brilliant volunteer team. Your donation will add to this and is extremely important to us.


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attending our mental health cafe - £10.00

subsidised meal, friendly chat, events, talks, games and access to advice and guidance. The heart Starts Here

subsidised massage therapy - £25.00

fully qualified and experienced therapist to work with someone with mental health problems

art project session - £25.00

up to 6 hours of studio time with professional artists on hand to support
