
raised from 12


THAALI– Encourage young widows to remarriage

THAALI– Encourage young widows to remarriage:

In order to mark International Women’s Day, Think 2Wice Association launching online fundraising campaign to raise money for above project which currently undertaking by our charity.

Nearly three decades of civil war waged by successive Sri Lankan governments against the Tamil separatist left tens of thousands of women as war widows. There are many young widows among them. The plight of widows is worsened in conflict and post-conflict scenarios. Widows without an adult male to protect and negotiate for them, or to access services on their behalf, are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation and to rape. Due to this lack of security and low incomes, some poor women are pressed to engage in sex work to cover regular expenses of the family.

We believe that encourage the remarriage of widows is one of the practical solutions. We do believe that the only sustainable means for widows to overcome their grief is remarriage through which an adjustment process of empowerment takes place and allowing them to fulfil their basic human development needs.

As discussed above these problems adversely affects widows in every sphere of her life. It is in this context; we envisage the scheme ‘THAALI’ to encourage widow’s remarriage. The scheme imparts financial assistance for the widows to remarry. If widow willing to remarry anyone as her choice or anyone willing to marry a widow with her consent.

For more details please visit

5% of £1,000
£50 Raised
Anjana Ramathas
By this fund raise, I would like to help Think 2Wice Association UK to encourage the young war widows, in Sri Lanka's war affected areas , to remar...

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