So, as you may or may not know, my hair is LONG! Too long. Although I have grown very attached to my long hair, I'm planning to donate it to the Little Princess Trust, that will hopefully see it turned into a wig for children suffering hair loss. Visit for more info on that.
At the same time, I thought it would be great to raise money by having all my hair shaved off!!! The hair donation needs to be at least 7 inches (or 17cm) long, and my hair is between 17 and 22 inches (as of May). So I don't really need to have it cut short at all.
I will only shave it all off if I reach my fundraising target of £250 by the end of July!! So if you want to see me looking like this
then get donating right away!
£250. That's only £5 from 50 friends. Or £10 from 25 friends. You can do the math :)
Why I chose MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières, or Doctors Without Borders):
I think their work is great and they are able to provide help where it's needed the most. They respond immediately to give aid when a new emergency arises. They are currently on the front lines in Nepal providing medical assistance and distributing food and shelter to remote areas affected by the devastating earthquakes.
85% of all donations is spent directly on humanitarian work, 10% on fundraising and only 5% on admin.
Contribute to a good cause and see what shape my head really is o_O
Video and pics for those who do! Thanks guys :D
IMPORTANT! If you are a UK tax payer, make sure you select the GIftAid box when donating!!
People in Japan! I need your help too! If you are living in Japan and want to donate, I'll be personally collecting money off you and transferring it as a lump sum via my UK bank account so I can get GiftAid. £5 is about 1000yen. Yoroshiku ne!