It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October

Support Calais


raised from 17


Borders are Man-made
Kady and I are planning to volunteer in the Calais jungle in the week before Christmas. The situation in the jungle is worsening with the harshness of winter. Many of the refugees in the camp do not have adequate shelter, clothing or even sanitation. They must queue for hours on end to receive one meal which must sustain them for the rest of the day. At the moment their main form of shelter is tents which have been donated by the very generous public but obviously a tent isn't going to keep one warm during the winter months, as a result the resort to burning candles to keep warm which often leads to fires in the camp. I believe that borders are man- made and we have to do our part to help those who are in a less fortunate situation to ourselves. That is why we are committing our time to collecting donations to be transported to the camp and spend 4 days (19th Dec- 23rd Dec) volunteering in the camp. We are hoping to raise a minimum of £200 to go towards transport and purchasing essential items for the camp and really appreciate any support we can get!!

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