It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October

Street Child United


raised from 1


Thank you for visiting our Givey page and helping us to raise money

Across the world millions of children are forced to survive on the streets. Street Child United provides a global platform for street children to be heard so that they receive the protection, support and opportunities all children deserve.

Ahead of the world’s biggest sporting competitions we organise international events inviting street children to be at the centre of the call for their rights. We use the power of sport and the arts to challenge the negative perceptions and treatment of street children transforming lives across the world.

Our flagship event is the Street Child World Cup taking place ahead of the FIFA World Cup. In 2014, 230 former street children from 19 countries came together in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to play football and stand united for the rights of street children.

These children stand united for the rights of street children across the world and they are not alone. Together we believe that no child should have to live on the streets.


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