

raised of $100 target from 4 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

We are raising money for the British Heart Foundation this Valentine's Day, to keep more hearts beating and more love flowing! Donate £3 (and sign up via the form here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=i9hQcmhLKUW-RNWaLYpvlLEqmvy9-npCmUXlY2NWvMpUQU5HMTNFUUcyTFRJSllUMDBRVVJHQkNUMy4u) and we will send you a personalised video with a message and beautifully kazoo'd song, for a unique gift to give your SO or an entertaining way to ask someone to be your Valentine!


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We're the nation's heart charity. We help save lives with information, patient care and pioneering research. With your support, we're bea...
