

raised of $500 target from 16 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Ana Joao Silva is raising $500 for Education & Health Nepal
Obrigada por visitarem a minha página! Este crowdfunding tem como objectivo angariar fundos para fazer o levantamento de uma encomenda de 140kg de material escolar que consegui fazer chegar ao Nepal em Agosto, mas que se encontra retido na alfândega até hoje. Inicialmente fomos informados que poderíamos levantar o material sem pagar taxas, por sermos uma ONG, mas entre pedidos a ministérios e burocracias, só agora nos deram uma resposta (negativa) à qual juntas custos alfandegários de armazém que rondam o valor que pretendo angariar. Thank you for visiting my page! This crowdfunding aims to raise funds to do the lifting of a package of 140 kg of school supplies that I sent to Nepal in August, but that is held up in customs until today. Initially we were told that, as an NGO, we could get the material without paying fees, but between requests and bureaucracy, only now, we were given a negative answer. Adding to the taxes we now have to pay for the time the box is held there.


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EHN is a Nepali NGO specialising with placing international volunteers in Nepal as well as building its own projects supported by the UK ...
