It's Anti-Bullying Week until Thursday 19th November

Partners Relief & Development UK


raised from 192


To love is to act.

Partners Relief and Development is a humanitarian service organisation that firmly believes that to love is to act. We act by providing emergency relief during acute crisis events and by working with communities of displaced families to design sustainable development initiatives that transform community wellbeing, improve health and education, and provide a nurturing environment for children.


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Fund a Clinic - £380.00

Raise £380 and you can fully fund a clinic treating sick kids in Myanmar for a month.

Infant Nutrition Packs - £270.00

Raise £270 and you can provide infant nutrition packs to 10 mothers in Bangladesh.

Feed Hungry Families - £190.00

Raise £190 and you can feed 10 families with little access to food in Yemen for a month.

Provide Education - £115.00

Raise £115 and you can keep a child in a conflict affected area of Myanmar in school.

Train a Health Worker - £75.00

Raise £75 and you can train a local health worker to care for sick children in Myanmar.

Trauma Counselling - £40.00

Raise £40 and you can provide trauma counselling to a child in an ISIS-affected community.
