It's Anti-Bullying Week until Thursday 19th November



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Help OneSpace community centre stay open

OneSpace is a community centre and café in Kidbrooke, South-East London. It was set up by the charity Kidbrooke Focus in 2012 to serve the local community.

OneSpace has a welcoming and affordable café at the heart of the centre and hosts a wide range of activities for the whole community, including: playgroups, Greenwich Foodbank, fitness classes, counselling services, football training, Greenwich Winter Night Shelter, local churches, puppy training, dance classes and much more!

OneSpace runs a community café and hires the community rooms and Astro pitch to local groups to cover its costs. However, during the Coronavirus pandemic, OneSpace has had to close its doors and furlough the Centre Manager. Without rental income, we will struggle to re-open.

To keep OneSpace community centre and café open for local people, we are raising £10K. This will cover the restarting costs, bridging the gap until OneSpace is back up and running at full capacity again.

Thank you for any help you can give to keep OneSpace centre and café open for the local community!


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