

raised of $0 target from 4 people

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Clara Martin is raising $0 for Asthma UK
On Fathers Day, I'm going to be running my first 10k in memory of my Dad, in aid of Asthma UK. Like myself and 5.4 million people in the UK, my Dad suffered from asthma, was always in hospital and almost died as a child. His little sister Jean lost her life to the disease at 3 years old. My asthma has always got in the way of running and as an asthmatic, getting really out of breath is really frightening so I thought that the best way to stick two fingers up at the disease and to try and raise some money for asthma research is to overcome my fear, bite the bullet and do a 10k. It may not seem like much to some but for me this is a massive challenge. f I can crack this then next year I might tackle the Hackney half Marathon. If you can, please chuck a couple of quid into the pot to spur me on and help me try and help others to prevent asthma and other auto immune illnesses such as eczema and other allergies which are all linked. The run is the Nike Women's Run in Victoria Park on June 21st. http://www.nike.com/gb/en_gb/c/cities/london Big love Claire x


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All money raised on eBay will go towards improving the health and well-being of the 5.4 million people in the UK whose lives are affected...
