It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October




of target raised from 43 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Thanks for donating towards the Year 6 end of year shenanigans! Its been a crazy couple of years and its great that our Year 6 kids will get a good send off with activities and hoodies BUT we need to raise funds to make sure we can give them lots of fun things to do. You'll notice we're fundraising via ILOF, they are simply helping us create an online payment stream. All money raised here will go towards year 6 activities. You'll also notice that your donations adds a fee, the reason for this is to allow 100% of donations received go to ILOF or in this instance the year 6 fundraiser. Your details are safe with Givey and donating is completely secure. Whatsmore, they never share your email address with any third parties except the Charity you donate to.


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Fundraising for

Welcome to Ivydale League of Friends donation page (we use "ILOF" for short). We are a PTA charity mainly run by parents who are passion...
