International Christian Women's Netwo...


raised from 12


Thank you for visiting our Givey page and helping us to raise money

ICWN is a Christian charity part of City Faith Ministries Trust (Christian Life Fellowship) dedicated to helping women across the world who are impoverished, enslaved or trapped by the sex trade, domestic violence or substance abuse.

As part of our commitment to working with women and helping them to grow in the spiritual walk with God, ICWN is an umbrella charity with several project arms that target specific areas of women's lives. These include:

Rescue Me - Brazil Missions Woman's Conference - The Masked Woman Women of the Watch - Prayer Ministry Women's Mentoring Programme Marriage & the Home Ministry (I.H.P.)

We will be updating our website shortly where you will be able to find information on our projects, past and future missions. If you'd like to get more information now, email and one of our team will get back to you.


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