

raised of $100,000 target from 19 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

aloyce nyakunga is raising $100,000 for Grenfell Business Project
I am a video creator I love very much what am doing, from 2014 I was creating videos for people of the internet and I was able to make up to 300 $ per month then I decided to go full-time video creator to make more for living, I created more than 900 videos in one year, day and night I almost missed life and do nothing more than creating videos then one night I received email “your channel is no longer eligible for monetization because of repeated parts of some videos and music which are posted on your channel previous ” and that was AI work so from that day I was required to delete those videos with parts of repeated clips and apply again, for more than six months I was making nothing as video creator and I earned nothing. Then I decided to search on search engines and I saw thousands of creator blaming the same action happened to them and I know other creators will be rejected forever and bury their dreams forever, but the fact is that they love very much creating videos and that is what they got for living. Video creators, they spend all of their time writing scripts, shooting, editing and publishing videos online to make the world a better place to live by 1. Entertaining like music, comedy, and films 2. Educating like teaching and instructing 3. Inspiring like helping people to continue fighting and never-give-up or even to start. 4. Telling stories to people like about themselves or even stories about something else in order to deriver message also the make more including technology and innovations videos, from videos creators creates people get message and change behaviors and make one more step in their life and most important thing is people they enjoy and become happy but video creators who help in so many ways including changing behaviors, inspiring, encouraging development, informing and making people enjoy they can’t make their life stable with what they love doing. In December 2017 I decided to lunch YOUWOCH video sharing platform to help creators make more out of their creations/ video. I spend all money earned from videos creation for almost three years so youwoch can be live and when I go to my fellow video creators they told me “man this will help creators make more creations and increase freedom among creators” and they joined me and start creating for the platform. With no paid advertisement promotion we successful reach 715 video creators on the platform and more creator are coming every day to monetize videos for their creations and until now we offer 3 ways to monetize their video content on youwoch and we want them even to make more money for their views and that is the new innovation monetization way we are going to lunch soon. As we receive more video contents we need more high capacity servers and high storage capacity and make the platform to load faster so the viewer can enjoy. We don’t have enough capacity to pay for servers and object storage. In most African and other third world countries there are more talented videos creators who are talented in so many ways and they don’t have devices including computer, Smartphone and camera and some they are even not aware with this opportunity so we will have to open Spaces in some areas as starting point where creators will come and shoot their videos, edit and publish in the creators space. Then when they grow a little they will be able to buy their things to support their creation and carriers. That will help more people to get employment and many more to be creators to help the world and lift up their life standard or expectancy and this is for everyone who loves creating videos You as Hero of video creators please support youwoch to save creators so they can make a living doing what they love. 1. YouWoch needs stable server and object storage for videos to make it free for all video creators. 2. To lunch YouWoch space to train and help all new video creators and to help creators with no internet access and devices be able to create and publish their videos live on space’s devices. 3. Shouting out for more video creators to come and create on youwoch to help the world bit better place – advertise My mission is to help all video creators create more and make a living by doing what they love most and to be the part of the few people who make the world better place for living to teach, inspiring, entreating and revealing the possibility out of impossible especial in technology and creativity. Your donation will help video creators in many ways, including creating more videos and they will have a stable platform for their creative life and building their business so make creator live for their creation.


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+ $1,800.00 from 19 offline donors