raised from 707
DonateGoodtrees Neighbourhood Centre (GTNC) is situated in an area of multi deprivation. GTNC neighbour 6 high-rise flats with a high transient community due to temporary accommodation. In Craigour/Moredun the Scottish Index of Deprivation 2016 shows that this area is in the most deprived decile for income, employment, health, education, housing and crime. This is an area that has areas that are categories as SMID 1, one of the most deprived areas in Scotland (ranked 1 – 5 with 1 being the most deprived).
We help[ mitigate the pressures of local community by providing a safe space, where everyone can enjoy themselves and get the support they need.
Well done, and good luck with the fundraising
Well done on the tiiktok
The more lads off the street the better
What a bloody grand job yous do x