

raised of $1,000 target from 38 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Emma Langmead is raising $1,000 for Fresh Start
Hello!! Welcome to our Givey page and thank you very muchly for visiting! We are a small group of graduates from the Royal Bank of Scotland and we are participating in a MASS fundraising for and AMAZING charity, Fresh Start. Fresh Start is an Edinburgh based charity who do a fantastic job helping resettled people who have been recently homed after being homeless. Have you ever thought about all the essentials you need to survive in your house? Mugs, plates, cutlery, pots and pans, loo roll, an oven?! Fresh Start help resettled people decorate their new home, provide them with the means to cook their own food as well as boxes of household essentials AND they run skills workshops, which means, once in their new home, the guys can learn skills which can help them find employment - How cool is that?! So we want to help out, it's the middle of summer, beers have been flowing and we haven't seen the gym in a while. We thought this is the perfect opportunity to get a bit of exercise in and raise money for a great cause at the same time! Join us and our tired arms as the 5 of us try to reach 100,000 punches in a 24 hour boxathon. THAT'S RIGHT - ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND!!!!! AND.... considering that one of us is injured, that is 25,000 punches each!!!! So please come down to the Royal Mile in Edinburgh and help us reach our total!!!! We definitely need you! If you can't make it, then don't worry you can still donate on this page ;) MUCH LOVE <3


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Fundraising for

Fresh Start is an Edinburgh-based charity helping people who have been homeless set up their new home &amp; settle in their community. We...
