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0% of $500
$0 Raised
Hallowe’en Disco
Having lost our wonderful Dad during the Covid pandemic we never got the chance to celebrate his life. As a family we have organised a Halloween Di...

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23% of $500
$115 Raised
The Self-Amore Virtual Wellness Retreat is for women to take care of themselves. For 90 minutes just for yourself. The retreat will combine dif...

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50% of $200
$100 Raised
Maria's Great North Run
Friends of Chernobyl's Children (Lancaster) brings children from areas of Belarus still contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster to stay with ho...

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40% of $200
$80 Raised
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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117% of $300
$350 Raised
Couch to 5k Fun Run
Hi, I'm Matt and i'm doing a 5K run. It's been a long old lock down and i've pretty much done next to no exercise... In fact I was quite happy doin...

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108% of $200
$215 Raised
Jenny's May marathon
I'm challenging myself to complete at least one marathon (hopefully more!) during May by walking and running to raise money for Uganda Cancer Trust...

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100% of $100
$100 Raised
Treasure Trail Winter 2021
The Treasure Trail is back!!! Improved for winter 2021....now including a scavenger hunt, exercise circuit and riddle for every point found! Ea...

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143% of $600
$855 Raised
Tim Hyam's bounce for NLAH
I'm doing 1565 bounces a day on a garden trampoline for the month of February. With an average bounce height of just over 20cm, this will get me to...

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113% of $200
$225 Raised
Chokhmah’s 5k run for LAE T...
My name is Chokhmah John and I am a year 7 student at Highgate Senior School. I will run 5km on Saturday the 21st November 2020 to help raise money...

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65% of $100
$65 Raised
Westbury Virtual Christmas ...
£1 per ticket into a draw for a chance to win some lovely prizes donated by all store holders to raise money for The Harry Johnson Trust. The dra...

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37% of $200
$73 Raised
Magical Letter from Santa
A Magical Letter from Santa For a generous donation of £5 (inc.delivery) the aunties are putting together a personalised Letter from Santa, ‘ni...

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74% of $40,000
$29,478 Raised
Safe Haven Academy,
Thank you for your contribution towards the Safe Haven Academy in Agago District, Northern Uganda. Your donation will go a long way to support Anje...

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117% of $100
$117 Raised
Sara's Run to the Sun Chall...
In many ways, mental health is just like our physical health: everybody has it and we need to take care of it. Statistics show that around one in...

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65% of $300
$196 Raised
CO Picks for PAFRAS
Every year our fab organisation Touchstone does ‘Tour de Touchstone’, an event where all teams can raise money for the charity of their choice. Cov...

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48% of $200
$95 Raised
AfNutr Cafe
Thank you for visiting our AfNutr 'virtual' Cafe fundraising page! ☕ The @AfNutr chat team would be very thankful if you can make a small donati...

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242% of $100
$242 Raised
Nic's Big Walk to Spread th...
Helllloooo lovely People🤗 xxx Okay so here's a crazy thing! I've joined a group of Spice members who are walking 25 miles from Brum to Lichfield...

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114% of $500
$570 Raised
Puja Kular
I have volunteered to compete in Barclays Goes Dancing (BGD) and we're raising money for the Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service (NDAS). NDAS s...

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100% of $100
$100 Raised
Shine Bright 2019
Last year we lit 202 tealights on Christmas Eve, a time to take a step back from our busy lives and reflect. We would like to do this again. Each...

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108% of $200
$215 Raised
Fuzz's Triathlon For Heads ...
I am entering an olympic distance triathlon in a month ish. I saw it and impulsively signed up with 38 days notice. No training prior just a determ...

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35% of $1,000
$350 Raised
2019 Good Shepherd Sponsore...
Lots of Good Shepherd children and parents and teachers are running on 5k and 2.5k on Saturday 8th June to raise money for their school. All sponso...

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85% of $400
$340 Raised
Matthew's Ride 100 Challenge
On 4th August 2019 I will be cycling 100 miles as part of the Ride London event to raise money for Age UK Reading. It's the longest ride I've ever ...

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55% of $350
$193 Raised
Francisca - Hackney Half Ma...
NJC and the Aspire Harrier's Francisca Cumbicus will be running the Hackney Half Marathon on behalf of the Circle Collective. ‘Circle Collective...

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90% of $200
$180 Raised
Avante Care & Support Fave...
Kesson Physio have challenged Avante Care & Support to a race! Challenge accepted! Three team members have stepped forward to take part in t...

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45% of $500
$223 Raised
Team Snell
Gareth Snell is the local MP and along with his office team, they will be walking the Potters Arf Marathon to raise money for the Macari Foundation

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