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raised of $350 target from 15 people

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D a-nis? / Aileag is raising $350 for BBC Children in Need
Tha mise air dbhlan a chur ro Derek air a bhliadhna seo. S leis gu bheil e amharasach mu bhith ann an uisge fosgailte, shaoil mi gum biodh e math dbhlan caidheag a chur mu choinneamh. Bidh aige ri 20 cilemeatair a shiubhail, ann an caidheag, eadar an Ath Leathann agus Caol Loch Aillse. Furasta gu ler? Bhiodh ma dhfhaoidte nam biodh tu air a bhith ann an caidheag roimhe, ach cho do chuir Derek cas am broinn caidheag a-riamh na bheatha! Ciamar idir a n e a chis air an dbhlan? Uill, tha mise air d latha tranaidh a chur air digh. A chiad fhear faisg air Glaschu agus an drna fear san Eilean Sgitheanach, an latha ron dbhlan fhin. Ach am bi d latha tranaidh gu ler? An dan e a chis air an dbhlan? No, am bi cus uallach air? Ma tha thusa airson sgillinn no dh a thabhann don chathrannas, BBC Clann ann an is, airson Derek fhaicinn aig muir ann an caidheag, brth air a cheangal gu h-osal. Cuimhnich, tha a h-uile sgillinn a cunntadh! Gur math a thid leat, Derek! Megan * Ceud taing airson a thighinn chun na duilleig agus airson ur tagradh. Sgioba D a-nis? ENGLISH This year Ive set Derek a challenge. And as hes uneasy about being in open water, I thought it would be good to give him a kayak challenge. Hell tackle a 20 km course, in a kayak, from Broadford in Skye to Kyle of Lochalsh. Easy enough? Probably, if he had been in a kayak before, but Derek has never even dipped one of his toes into a kayak before. How will he manage the challenge? Well, Ive arranged two training days for him. The first near Glasgow and the final one in Skye the day before the challenge. But will two days training be enough? Will he survive the challenge? Or will he bottle it? If you would like to donate to the charity, BBC Children In Need, to see Derek all at sea in his kayak, please click on the link below. Remember, every penny counts! And, good luck Derek! Megan * Many thanks for visiting our page and for your kind donation. The D a-nis? team


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BBC Children in Need is the BBC's charity. Thanks to the support of the public, we're able to make a real difference to the lives of chil...
