Welcoming children from the age of 2.5 (30 months), Chilbolton Pre-School is a registered charity that provides a caring environment where children can learn to interact with other children and adults on what might be their first venture away from home. Stimulating play activities help them to learn to orientate themselves socially, taking turns, sharing and negotiating, enabling them to develop their full potential. We feel that when children are relaxed, safe, valued and having fun it builds their confidence and develops independence making them happier to learn and pave their way to school. We have a thriving Forest School, and are an important part of the community. Sadly like many rural pre-schools nowadays, we have to rely on donations to help keep things running and would be so grateful for your help
Well done, love Nanny and Papa
On behalf of Dan, Hannah and Casey
Well done lads x
Great work guys! ♥️
Well done James and Alex! What a great cause to...