

raised of $1,000 target from 11 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to


Charlotte is a 16-year-old local girl, who uses a wheelchair to get around.

Her illness has resulted in weakness in her limbs, she is only able to walk short distances and is entirely reliant on a wheelchair. However, although her family have worked to get her a new, lighter chair, she can only push forward for short distances due to the weakness of her arms, so, currently, she needs the assistance of family or friends.

Charlotte’s family approached the Bournemouth & Christchurch Lions Club for some help in raising funds for a wheelchair driving device, which would enable her to be more independent in getting around. The Wheelchair SmartDrive MX2+ provides intelligent power assistance.

Charlotte has been offered a position at College, but she needs to be independently mobile. Her aspirations are similar to that of any young person, she wishes to meet & socialise, go to College, and achieve her life ambitions.

The SmartDriveMX2+ device, along with her new chair, will change Charlotte’s life!

Please donate to help her reach her goals.

In the event monies donated, exceed the target of £1000, the Bournemouth & Christchurch Lions Club reserve the right to donate said funds in support of similar charity requests of support.


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