It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October

Build a home


raised from 6


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88-year-old Santhi lives alone in a house made from palm leaves, with a plastic bag for a bed and few possessions to call his own. He is one of many living this way. Next door, families with children are living in the same conditions with barely enough money to eat. We want to help. Poverty in Sri Lanka is rife and thousands live without proper shelter. Whilst the locals help where they can, the problem is widespread and too great for just a few generous individuals to solve. Every person deserves a roof over their head. For just £250 we can build one concrete home, a permanent residence and protection from the storms. Please join our team and help to raise all that you can, either through fundraising events or donations. A small amount will make a big difference to their lives. The more we donate, the more we can build, the more people have a safe place to sleep at night! Thank you

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