FACEs is a coalition of Christians and Muslims from Luton, working together to prevent and address the sexual exploitation of children and young people in our town. We believe faith communities can and should be part of the solution, and aim to empower our communities to play their part in safeguarding children.
We have developed a training course called 'Breaking the Silence' that explores CSE and our responsibilities as people of faith. It has been very well-received, and we have begun to deliver it to faith leaders across Luton.
We have recently appointed our first FACEs Development Worker, and are delighted to be able to share that we have received an award of £6,000 from Beds and Luton Community Foundation to help fund the costs of this role.
However we don't yet have enough money to make the role sustainable, or to get the work of FACEs really off the ground.
Can you help us raise £5000? We need to make sure our Development Worker can get through a whole year in post, and have the resources to develop the training and offer tools to support us in our aims.
If you are interested in helping us in any other way, please do visit https://faces464.wordpress.com/
Thank you.
Tony Thompson Chair of FACES and part of Churches Together Executive
Sujel Miah Luton Council of Mosques
Tanvir Munir Sunni Council of Mosques
Ruth Robb Azalea CEO
More information for this fundraiser can be found on their social media pages