

raised of $300 target from 0 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

I am running the Great North Run 2021 for Friends of Chernobyl's Children Northallerton. Having not done any running in the last decade since the second of two knee operations, I'm not expecting this to be easy! I'm running for a charity that Claire and I have recently become involved with and we can attest to the exceptional work that they do. Friends of Chernobyl's Children is a registered charity that funds and organises yearly visits for Belarusian children (aged 7 to 12 years) from disadvantaged social backgrounds in areas still heavily contaminated with radiation, to the UK. During their visit they stay with host families for temporary recuperative care. In addition to a good home with a loving, caring family with clean air and surroundings the charity organises visits for the children to a local doctor, dentist and optician. The children also take part in a variety of fun and educational activities. They return to stay with their host family for 3 consecutive years, thus building a special relationship. This has been shown to have a significant effect upon their overall quality of life, their happiness, health and well-being. As soon as the pandemic permits, the charity will resume visits and additionally bring a group of older girls (aged 11 or 12) for the first of two visits - Claire and I will be hosting one of the girls (Margarita - see picture!). Thanks for reading and thanks for any support that you can offer.


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Friends of Chernobyl's Children is a registered charity that funds and organises yearly visits for Belarusian children from disadvantaged...
