

raised of $200 target from 14 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Thank you for visiting our AfNutr 'virtual' Cafe fundraising page! β˜• The @AfNutr chat team would be very thankful if you can make a small donation (perhaps the amount you'd usually pay for coffee) towards The Trussell Trust - Stop UK Hunger. We want to support The Trussell Trust in helping those in need during COVID-19. All the money raised here will go to The Trussell Trust who will use it to support people in need and at risk of food insecurity and hunger throughout the UK. If you can't afford to donate - sharing it on social media is free πŸ”— πŸ€— Thank you for your support! 🌸Stay safe! Best wishes from the @AfNutr chat team Suzanne, Laura, Lynn & Vicki πŸ€“


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Fundraising for

The Trussell Trust runs sustainable community projects tackling poverty and exclusion. Through the UK Foodbank Network, More Than Food an...
