

raised of $250 target from 18 people

Matthew Harris is raising $250 for emerge poverty free
YOU CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE OF A CHILD THROUGH EDUCATION Can you imagine growing up without an education, not being able to write your name, read a letter, be confident about the destination of the bus or even know for sure what is inside the tin of food at the supermarket? For 900 million people, this is the reality. You can help change this. Last Summer I went out to Burundi to see the work that 'emerge poverty free' do with their partner organisation African Revival Ministries (ARM). One project that I was particularly moved by was the project for the Street Children of Gitega (it is estimated that there are 2,500 street children in Gitega). emerge poverty free and ARM provide a safe home, food and education for some of these children. Young lives are transformed by this project. On September the 8th (World Literacy Day), emerge poverty free launched their new "I LOVE SCHOOL" appeal. It is a combination of all their current educational projects including the Street Children Project in Burundi. These projects range from providing schools in northern Uganda with water to training teachers in South Sudan and reconstructing schools wrecked in the earthquake in Haiti. I am running to raise funds for this project, because education is the most significant step out of poverty. The I LOVE SCHOOL project aims to: Provide an education to every street child by giving them access to a school. Support vocational training at a restaurant, hairdressing salon, and opening a car mechanics workshop. With I LOVE SCHOOL, emerge poverty free is going to change thousands of childrens lives across 5 countries. But they cannot do this without your help. Please donate. Thanks. :)


  • Matthew Harris created this fundraiser

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emerge poverty free works to break the cycle of poverty by enabling communities to address their needs and priorities themselves. We work...