

raised of £2,500 target from 73 people

St. Bede's Inter-Church School is raising £2,500 for Nakuru Children's Project
St. Bede's Pupils will be sleeping outside, under the stars to experience the hardships millions of children around the world have to face each day. Many children in third world countries will sleep hungry tonight, often forced onto the streets in search of money or food where they are at risk of gang violence and abuse and there they will spend the night. Our pupils at St. Bede's are hoping to raise £4000 to keep as many children off the streets and in school by providing over 12,000 school lunches to children who otherwise may find themselves in very vulnerable situations. The free school meals will mean that more children stay in school and off the streets, their grades will improve and they will achieve much better giving them and their communities a way out of the cycle of poverty. Please donate to support our young people try to change the world, one hot meal at a time. For more information please see our charity website; http://www.nakuruchildrensproject.org.uk/food-programme/4577899375


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Fundraising for

We are dedicated to relieving poverty and improving education for children in Nakuru, Kenya. We believe that through education, children ...