

raised of £1,000 target from 57 people

Clare Rivers Mohan is raising £1,000 for Women & Girls Network
FINAL UPDATE: Thank you so much to everyone who donated - I hit my target and exceeded it, which is brilliant news. Unfortunately, I didn't complete the marathon as I got injured at mile 10... but there's always next year! UPDATE 1: Everyone so far has been really generous, which is helping me massively, especially on the early morning, before-work runs when the sprinting and other work just feels all too much. Knowing that so many people have come together to support this is super encouraging, so thank you. Next week we're aiming to get to 15 miles which will be the furthest I've ever run - I'm really excited for the challenge! My mini target at the moment is to try and reach the halfway mark by the end of March. To anyone who's yet to donate - do you fancy helping out?! In May 2014 I foolishly mentioned to my running-enthusiast girlfriend that I wanted to run a marathon. Within about a week I had signed up to run the Edinburgh Marathon 2015, despite the fact I'd never successfully completed a 5k. Or a run of more than 15 continuous minutes. I fainted the first time we went out running together. Fast forward nine months - to now - and you'll find me regularly pouring myself out of bed at hellish hours in the morning to go and sprint up and down nearby roads. At weekends we leave lazy lie ins far behind as we plough along local canals and running routes in pursuit of that marathon fitness. All I really want is a long snooze and a cup of tea, but I keep running. Why? It's simple, really. Two years ago I was taken in by the service that gave me my life back: Women and Girls Network (WGN) have twice now provided me with regular sessions of dedicated counselling and the space to put my life back together after trauma. Without them I wouldn't be as resilient as I am now; I probably wouldn't be here. So because they showed me that strength and support, I want to repay them in some small way; if the money I raise can help them open their doors to another vulnerable woman, it will have been a race worth running. Please give generously, the support that WGN provides is truly unique. And besides, you wouldn't want me to have done all that running in vain, would you?


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Fundraising for

A counselling and healing centre for women & girls overcoming experiences of physical sexual or emotional violence. A training provid...