I would like to climb Kilimanjaro but I don't have the time. Instead I'm going to shave my beard off and keep clean shaven for a month from 3rd April 2015. It still has the feel of persistence and effort but from the comfort of my own bathroom. The last time I committed an act of self-denudation (is there another word for this?) was nearly 25 years ago for my 40th birthday. I must have been having a mid-life identity crisis as I also organised a fancy dress party for which I crafted a papier mache shell for my Ninja Turtle outfit (with the help of my 11 year old son). Now there is a crisis of a different sort though it is personal. Helping to keep Home-Start Kernow http://homestartkernow.org.uk/
afloat in a difficult economic climate. Visit my video! by following this link.