

raised of £100 target from 11 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Stephanie McLindon is raising £100 for Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank
Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank have been an amazing service in providing the people of Bradford with food parcels during difficult times. As we are all aware, the COVID pandemic has exacerbated levels of poverty both nationally and locally. During this time, Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank have continued to give us food parcels (even at the very start of the pandemic when resources were so low due to people bulk buying and leaving no excess on the shelves to be donated). As a huge thank you to them, we have set up this fundraising page in the hope that we can give something back as a token of our massive appreciation. We thought it may be nice, in leu of us going on a Christmas Do (as we unfortunately can't this year due to COVID), that people could donate perhaps the price of a drink/ starter/ main/ Christmas do ticket. I'm sure any amount will be much appreciated and go toward this great cause.


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Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank is a registered charity which receives donations of food, toiletries and hygiene products to give free of...
