I currently work at Braidburn Special School as a visual and hearing impairment nursery nurse. I've only been in the post for about 6 months but already can see that there is a need for more sensory equipment to enhance the pupil's learning experience. My aim is to buy a 5 metre strip of LED lighting that can be controlled with the slightest movement via WIFI on an iPad. We were able to borrow this from the company for a few weeks and the reactions from some of our pupils that have an extremely significant visual impairment were fantastic. They seemed to relish having full control and affecting the entire room with the slightest of movement on the iPad. Everyone who knows me knows that I am loud and, shall we say 'enthusiastic' ?? It will shock a lot of them to see me actually complete this task but the only thing I love more that a good chat or a sing and dance is the pupils I work with. That, and proving people wrong as I'm extremely stubborn but we'll just call that determined! Anyway, give what you can and spread the word!! Thanks in advance, Lesley